+420 604 525 035
Údolní 8a, 602 00 Brno

Opening hours - Reception
Monday–Friday: 7.00–16.00
Opening hours - Clicnic
Continuous 24/7 operation:
Monday 7.00–Friday 14.00
Mon–Fri: 7.00–16.00
{oddeleni-provozni-doba}Data of Body Clinic
BODY klinika plastické chirurgie s.r.o.
registered at the Commercial Register kept by the KS in Brno, section C, file 43816
Identification number(IN): 26893096
Tax identification number(TIN): CZ26893096
Patients may use underground parking to park their cars for the whole time of their hospitalization. This underground parking is secured by a camera system with a record for greater security.
Do you consider a treatment?
Plan an appointment with an experienced doctor.